All posts by dbfnetwork

What I Can Teach You About Cigars

The Things to Know about the Cigar Bar and Lounge

The cigar bar and lounge is a place that a person can be able to go to and smoke all the cigars that they want freely without anybody questioning them. This is specifically very important because one of the main problems in society is that you cannot be able to smoke freely without anybody getting offended by what you’re doing. The process of finding the cigar bar and lounge that you’re going to use in the city cannot become difficult because, there are quite a number in addition to going to the Internet to locate the one you use. The cigar bar and lounge is the place that is going to give you quite a number of benefits that are going to be discussed as you continue reading on in this article. Freedom is usually the greatest benefits that you get from visiting the cigar bar and lounge, you smoke all the amount of cigars that you want without anybody questioning you. Sometimes, it is also very good to have a place whereby you can be able to get your stress away and this is something that is very specific especially to the cigar bar and lounge.

In addition to smoking, the cigar bar and lounge also offers you the opportunity to drink beer and other kinds of alcoholic drinks and this increases the level of enjoyment. The supply of the cigars and drinks available at the cigar band lounge never stops and in addition to that, they are usually in different varieties.This means that you can be able to enjoy your favorite drink as you continue smoking your cigars, a great way to relax especially if you love smoking. In addition to the benefits explained above, the cigar bar and lounge also creates a very great ambience for you because of the great furniture and entertainment services that you will be able to get for example, television screens.

Sometimes, you can also be able to get a lot of pleasure from women or girls available at the cigar band lounge and that’s another benefit that may be very appealing to you.Another benefit that you get from visiting the cigar bar and lounge is that you will be able to have social interactions with different people that attend or go to the cigar band lounge. Another benefit of the interactions that you will be having with these people is that you can help your business from different business connections and also your job.

5 Key Takeaways on the Road to Dominating Bars

9 Lessons Learned: Cigars

Different Types Of Metal Lathe

A metal lathe is general description for a hard machine device made to remove mateiral for a workpiece, by the way of a cutting tool. They were intentionally intended to machine metals; any how, with the start of plastics and other substances, and with their inherent versatility, they are used in a huge varieties of applications, and a broad range of materials.

You can find might variations of lathes within the metalworking field. You will feel that some variations are not really that obvious, and other are more to a niche area. For example, a centering lathe is a double head machine where the work stays fixed and the heads move towards the workpiece and machines a center drill hole in every end. The appearing workpiece might then be used between centers for another operation. The usage of the term metal lathe might as well measured to some extent outdated these days, plastics and other composite materials are in huge use and with appropriate modifications, the same principles and methods might further be applied to their workholding machining as used for metal.

Center lathe
A center lathe is other called engine lathe it might be considered the basis for the metal lathe and is the kind of most normally used by the general machinist or hobbyist.

Capstan lathe
The fresh name for a capstan lathe used in workholding industry is a ram-style turret lathe. A capstan lathe is a manufacturing machine, which combines the features of the basic lathe along with a capstan style tailstock.

Turret lathe
A turret lathe is a manufacturing machine, which to all appearances is alike as the capstan, any how the turret slides straightly on the bed rather than being fixed.

Combination lathe
A combination lathe might introduce drilling or milling operations into the plan of the lathe. These machines uses the carriage and topslide as the x and y axis of the machine.

CNC lathe
CNC lathes are now fast replacing the older production lathes such as multispindle, etc) due to their simple method of setting and operation. They are intended to use modern carbide tooling and fully uses modern processes.

Launch a Successful Side Hustle and Improve Your Finances

Side hustles present the perfect opportunity for individuals looking to pad their income, get out of debt, or transition into a new career. With the innovations of modern technology and the changes in consumer habits, there are plenty of opportunities for people to earn a little extra money on the side. Much like a business, however, starting a side hustle requires planning, funding, and efficient execution to be successful. If you’re thinking about taking this route to improve your finances, here are some tips to help you get started.

Find Your Passion

You’ll still be working your traditional job as you start your side hustle. While you could seemingly start any kind of side job you’d like, the idea here is to make it something you’re interested in. Working 8 grueling hours at your regular job and then coming home to work more hours is going to be tedious.

If your side hustle is something you’re passionate about, however,  it seems more like a hobby than “work”. When you’re passionate about something, you’re more motivated to press forward despite the obstacles or sacrifices you’ll have to make. So, whatever you do should be something worthwhile.

Assess Your Costs

No matter what hustle you choose there are going to be expenses that you’ll have to cover. Now that you know what you’re going to be doing, what costs will you need to cover? If you’re starting a blog, for example, you’d need to have a laptop or computer, you’ll need to cover the cost of a web host and any marketing expenses. If you were going to start selling crafts online, you’d need again a computer or laptop, web host, marketing expenses, and other things like art supplies and shipping supplies.

Once you’ve tallied up your initial costs, you can review your budget to determine how much you’ll need to save to get started. If you want to get started right away, they have bad credit installment loans you can apply for and have funds within a business day. You can add the low monthly payments to your household budget to pay it back and use the upfront cash to get your side hustle up and running.

Narrow Your Services and Determine a Niche

You want to start a blog, but what will your blog be about? Who will your blog be geared towards? If you decided to sell crafts, what kinds of crafts are you going to sell? Who are you most trying to attract with your merchandise? While you could blindly sell and write for anyone, it won’t have the same impact or success. Narrowing down your services and determining your niche will help you to effectively market your side hustle to the general public.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve covered initial costs, set up your website, and determined what services you’re providing and who your audience is, you’re ready to develop a marketing strategy. There are plenty of tools out there you can use to get started. From social media accounts and blogs to videos and images, there are a lot of platforms that can help you reach the masses and grow your business. Define which avenues you’d like to use based on your audience’s’ interests and preferences. Develop a campaign that speaks directly to them and encourages them to do business with you.

Whether you’re trying to get rid of some debt, increase your savings, or eventually leave your full-time job, a side hustle can be an effective solution for getting you there. In order to effectively launch your idea, it is important to choose something you love, find the financial resources to keep you afloat and develop a marketing strategy that reaches your target audience. With continual effort on your end and time, you can start bringing in serious cash to put you closer to your financial goals.


Record Breaking Sales For New iPhone

Pre-order sales of the new iPhone 4S have been overwhelming, according to Apple and the various phone carriers selling the handset.

iPhone 4S is yet to hit the stores this week, but pre-order sales for the device have sky-rocketed, with many phone carriers running out of stock. If you really want the new iPhone 4S, chances are that you may have to wait for a while. The iPhone 4S has been launched at the same time in Canada and Australia, which wasn’t the case last year. iPhone 4S has been launched simultaneously this time in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and Japan.

Sales surpass expectations:- Pre-order sales for iPhone 4S have even surpassed those for iPhone 4 last year, which is quite surprising when one considers the fact that iPhone 4S is not really a new generation iPhone but more of an updated iPhone 4.

Many analysts conclude that iPhone 4S is perhaps the most successful iPhone launch ever. Although the pre-order sales have been colossal, it would be difficult to tie this to greater demand for the iPhone. You cannot be sure if this is due to greater demand or due to a greater customer base. Earlier, AT&T was the only carrier selling iPhones in the United States. The list now includes Sprint and Verizon. The number of carriers selling iPhones this year have actually increased in nearly every country.

Apple fans across the globe have been grieving over the loss of the company’s founder and visionary, and many of them would be buying the new iPhones to honor Steve Jobs.

In addition, the iPhone 4S has been launched at the same time in Canada and Australia, which wasn’t the case last year. iPhone 4S has been launched simultaneously this time in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and Japan.

The most basic version of the iPhone with a 2-year contract is priced at around $200, with higher-end models commanding a greater price. The figures are truly impressive. According to Apple, the first day pre-orders for iPhone 4S have shot over 1 million. Pre-order sales of the new iPhone 4S have been overwhelming, according to Apple and the various phone carriers selling the handset. Some phone carriers, including Sprint and AT&T in the US, have reported that they have run out of stock and that customers would need to wait for a while to get their iPhones.

The Steve Jobs’ effect:- Although many fans were disappointed by the new iPhone 4S, the recent death of Steve Jobs seems to be contributing to a surge in sales. Apple fans across the globe have been grieving over the loss of the company’s founder and visionary, and many of them would be buying the new iPhones to honor Steve Jobs.

The powerful sales of the iPhone 4S have increased the shares of Apple by nearly 5 percent on NASDAQ.

An Introduction To Engine Lathe

An engine lathe is a flat shaped piece of workholding, which is most frequently used to turn metal manually. By turning the metal and by using particular cutting devices, the engine lathe is competent of forming the metal into exact shapes. As its name goes, the engine lathe is over and over again used to make metal pieces for use in an engine, whether it could be for an automobile, a tractor, a boat, or as well for any other motorized vehicle or machine.

Even though people may use the engine lathe initially for spinning sheet metals, it is as well used for drilling, making square blocks, and for shaping shafts. Candle cup dies, copy burner nozzles, foundry pattern core boxes, and other prints are products an engine lathe could produce. Most modern tools were shaped with the assistance of an engine lathe. In addition, those who own an engine lathe could create their own devices with the machine. For these reasons, the engine lathe is regularly referred as a workholding machine.

Further features of an engine lathe consist of gears, a carriage, a tailstock, and a stepped pulley that are generally used for different kinds of spindle speeds. The workings in the engine lathe are used to control the carriage. Simultaneously, the carriage bolsters of the cutting tools. The tailstock is commonly used to hold up the hole-drilling process, which takes place in the spindle.

Engine lathes were in style in the 19th and 20th centuries at blacksmith shops and are yet far and wide used today. There have, on the other hand, been a few amendments to the engine lathe over the following years. In the unique engine lathe, the carriage might catch all the dust and dirt. When this mixed with the oil in the engine, it would shape up a grinding motion as the carriage moved back and forth while turning and for shaping the metal. The steady grinding finally wore the machine down and made it useless.

Today, the cart on an engine lathe is self-oiling further on and the rear. The carriage on the engine lathe has as well been improved, and is built to defend the machine from the remnants of the jobs it performs.

Telemarketing Services: The Purpose Of Telemarketing Opening Dialogue

I picked up the ringing phone the other day. ?Hello?? I said. Then I sat in shock as I heard on the other end, ?Hello, my name is Jim and I?m calling from XYZ Co.

We are a full service communication provider and we?re offering clients a very special promotion on our satellite television services. If you sign up with us today you can receive our full service for just $25.00 a month for the first three months. What?s more you won?t be charged a sign up fee.

Now before you say ?no? I?d like to take a moment to remind you about all the great features of our service?? He went on and on and on and didn?t give me the opportunity to say a single word. Finally, he took a breath and I was able to decline the offer.

Jim of XYZ Company (the names are changed to protect the guilty!) shares a misconception among many telemarketing services professionals about the purpose of the opening dialogue.

This article is going to talk about what that opening dialogue is for. Note that it doesn?t matter if you are working for individual sales leads or business sales leads, this truth remains the same.

Telemarketing services opening dialogue?
Many people assume the opening dialogue should be like a Gatling gun: firing off all your bullets at once in the hopes that one or two will hit the target. It?s ineffective and, like Jim?s opening dialogue, almost comical! It gives the impression that the telemarketing ?professional? doesn?t care about the sales leads? time.

Why is it like this? It?s because many people feel that they have a bunch of things they need to say and they?re expecting their sales leads to say ?no?.

So, you?re asking me, if that?s not the case, what is the purpose?

Telemarketing requires patience and should be aimed at opening a dialog, not just making a quick sale. The aim is to generate interest; to whet the appetite; create interest; and to develop a little intrigue. Ultimately, the purpose of your opening dialogue is NOT to try and sell the product. The purpose of the opening dialogue is to get the customer to say three simple words:
?Tell me more?.

So when you are faced with outbound telemarketing – a list of business sales leads numbers to dial, and you?re just getting ready by crafting the opening dialogue, what do you put at the beginning? The answer is simple: just enough to have them say to you, ?Tell me more.?

Here are some examples that Jim could have used on me:
??Did you know that you?re not getting all the channels you could be getting??
??Did you know that you?re paying too much for television??
??Did you know that the average home pays $3 per channel per month. I can show you how to pay half of that.?

Inbound and outbound telemarketing services could be one of the most profitable ways to increase your sales leads.

Whether you?re dealing with housewives or mechanics, students or CEOs, personal sales leads or business sales leads, you only want to accomplish one task with your opening dialogue: get them to say three little words to you? ?Tell me more.?

Tresna Large Scale Digital Calipers

After I used several very nice Large Scale Digital Calipers that help me to take not accurate measurements in the workshop, I vowed for my next Large Scale Digital Calipers to put high precision before brand. The benefit of these Tresna a Large Scale Digital Caliper is not only their low relatively-low cost, but also their versatility. They can be used to take the inside measurement when I’m trying to measure the internal width of a groove, give me the length of the metal stick when I?m making a machine– day or night — and give me pleased measuring result when I go to the machine shop to work on projects. The screen runs almost perfectly, with nearly 100 percent accurate. They are made of stainless steel, which means they?re shatter-proof even when struck or dropped to the ground. In the ten months I’ve been using it, I’ve dropped it lightly a couple times and they’re still pretty much accurate. Over the winter, I worked in a machine shop lathing, sawing, drilling, tapping metal and wood twice a week for 3-4 hours and a couple weekends straight through until the summer is coming.
Unlike the cheap, standard shop Large Scale Digital Calipers which I’d constantly use and put away and occasionally forget to use back, these are so accurate I rarely put them into the case. It’s important to note they do have a fine-adjustment carriage and the jaws have round measuring faces for accurate inside measurement. On the one hand, that’s why these are much more accurate, but then again, that makes these potentially unsuitable for tasks where outside measurement is recommended. For my usage, though, which is primarily taking inside measurement tasks, they’re great. Definitely one of the most functional things I own, and considering they’re extremely useful, they look pretty good.

Getting Into A Vending Machine Business

Are you thinking of entering into the vending machine business either as a service operator or as someone who will do the buying and selling of vending machines? Whichever path you choose, it is likely that you are getting yourself involved into vending machine distributorship.

Being a vending machine distributor, you directly buy the machines from the manufacturers in wholesale price and resell them to the end users at retail price. The machine vending distributors or suppliers are also responsible for providing the buyer, some important information about the features and benefits of each machine.

The companies that sell these machines usually sell them to vending service companies as well as other businesses and organizations wanting to operate the machine themselves. These companies will also have the sole authority to offer parts for the vending equipment as well as some form of warranties.

As a distributor, you will rely solely on the sales of these vending machines so it would also be a very wise strategy to add repair service and sales of various parts as part of services offered. Although vending machine distributorship is a rewarding business, there are also slow times throughout the year so adding service calls and sales of parts can make up a good portion of the revenue.

The company selling the machine should also be able to give you some information about the business itself. They also should be able to give you advice on the appropriate vending machine for your location.

Being the buyer, it is your responsibility to do some research before diving into the business. Buying the right machine for your location is very important since vending machines are not cheap at all. One unit of vending

machine will cause you thousands of dollars and it will take you several years to pay for it. It is actually estimated that it will take 12 to 18 months before you could earn back your investment.

Some believe that it would be better to buy a used machine especially if you are just new to the business. This will give you a feel of the location and evaluate the business condition. It will also give you less pressure in paying off the equipment at a higher price.

There are lots of vending machine manufacturers as well as different makes and models of vending machine equipments. The most important step during the process is to find a vending machine distributor that offers vending machines at fair prices. It is also recommended that you find a distributor that can provide you service and parts later during a machine break down. Make sure that you ask about the warranty and its duration.

It is always crucial if your business stop running because of a machine break-down. Parts should be made available anytime. It would be wise to have some spare parts handy like an extra coin changer.

It is always better to find a company close to the area where you live so that delivery may be provided. There are lots of vending machine distributor online, just be aware about the shipping terms and cost. Do your own research before buying. It is very important that you find out everything you can about what you are thinking of buying. That is the only way you can avoid problems in the future.

Stimulating Sales

What is it that gives business life and vitality? Yes, sales. Without sales, our businesses will dry up and die. On the other hand, a healthy growth in sales means an increase in profits. Yeah, we business owners spend a lot of time watching for signs of growth, and plotting to make it happen. Here are 5 sure-fire ways to get customers to shell out the bucks before they leave your place of business.

1. Tantalize Their Emotions
When was the last time you bought a candy bar? Exactly what is it about chocolate that makes us waste perfectly good money on something that lasts less than five minutes? Yep, it’s the feeling of satisfaction we feel after we’ve eaten the sweet morsels.

Everything consumers purchase is for one purpose… to satisfy some emotional feeling they are looking for. Don’t believe it? Why do we buy cars? …security, to show off, personal satisfaction? Sure, we all want to look good and know that we’ll be able to get where we’re going safely.

Take advantage of the emotional pull purchases have on your customers, and dramatize. Paint word pictures that will enhance to pleasant feelings that come with the purchase you are trying to get them to make.

2. Scare The Heck Out of Them
What are your customers going to lose if they don’t buy your product? No, we don’t always have to stick with the pretty pictures that leave us all warm and fuzzy. Fear is as effective of a motivor as pleasure… sometimes greater.

Do you have fire alarms installed in your house? A dramatic mental picture of waking up in the night and not being able to rescue you child isn’t at all pretty, but will be much more likely to motivate you to invest in a fire alarm system than any pretty picture ever would.

Don’t hesitate to use a little negative influence if your product calls for it. Many people fear what they could lose more than they get excited about what they could gain.

3. Keep Buying A Simple “Yes” or “No” Choice
Are you planning a special sale? Take care to promote only one of each type of product at a time. Decisions can make the buying process more complicated and cost you sales. Yeah, the buyer who can’t make up his mind often leaves without taking anything with him… that’s money out of your pocket!

Do you have several related items you want to offer? Combine them into one package and watch your profit skyrocket!

4. Make It Easy To Buy
Several years ago, I found myself spending my lunch hour in a long line at the nearby fast food restaurant. After patiently waiting for more than 30 minutes, I placed my order only to discover they didn’t accept debit cards. Now, there’s no feeling of frustration quite like spending the best part of your lunch time waiting in line with a yammering stomach, only to be denied.

Your customers want to be able to pay in whatever way they choose when they walk to the cash register. If you want to attract the most customers, be sure they can pay using their favorite method.

Tips To Maximize The Sale Of Your Business

Question: How can I maximize the amount of cash I receive when I sell my business?
Answer: Acquire every last after tax dollar and get paid in cash. Also, follow three critical steps before proceeding:

1. Preplan the sale of your business. This should not be a spur of the moment decision. Rather, it should be well planned in advance. Though it is not possible to control the external environment, such as interest rates and strength of the economy, it is possible to plan for an orderly transition. Start thinking about some obvious sources for a potential buyer. For example, should an employee be groomed for possible succession? Might a good customer be interested in acquiring your business in the event of its sale?

2. Recognize the importance of finding the right buyer. Most businesses don’t have a value that is set in stone. Instead they have a range of value. This means that different buyers will have different perceptions of the same business’s value. It becomes important to pre-plan your confidential marketing effort to gain exposure to multiple buyers, especially synergistic buyers. Synergistic buyers are those individuals who, because of their location, complimentary customer base, financial resources or market position, can profit more from owning your business and are therefore willing to pay more.

3. Consider getting professional help. Unless you have a background in taxes, legal issues and merger and acquisition work, you will probably unknowingly make a multitude of costly mistakes by trying to sell your business yourself. Those mistakes may cost you substantially more than any fees paid for competent professional assistance. Do some homework on various alternatives. Become informed by attending seminars regarding tax issues, estate planning, and so on. Ask your CPA or lawyer to recommend ?general knowledge? seminars that might assist your learning curve.

Question: How do I legitimately minimize my tax obligations when I sell my business?

Answer: Plan well in advance by reviewing your corporate structure on an ongoing basis. This will enable you to maximize the amount of proceeds you retain from your business’s eventual sale.

As one would expect, the tax rules make it difficult for any quick fixes that give rise to immediate benefits. Consider changes to structure now that may result in more favorable tax treatment when the business is sold in five or ten years.

Start by getting up to speed on recent developments in the tax code. Chances are the code is very different today than when you bought or started your business. So sit down with your professional advisor and review your current business structure and its appropriateness for your business’s eventual sale.

For example, if you are structured as a corporation, the substantial difference to your after tax dollars on sale depends on whether you proceed with an ?asset? sale or a ?stock? sale. Selling the corporation’s assets can result in proceeds being taxed at the corporate level as well as the individual level when the remaining proceeds are distributed to the stockholders. However, if the stockholders sell their stock, it is likely that capital gains provisions would apply. The difference this makes to retained proceeds can be enormous.

Paying our share of taxes in the United States is an economic reality of life. Yet after tax dollars in the sale of a corporation can vary between 45 percent and 85 percent of the sales price based solely on tax structuring issues. The earlier you start planning for the sale of your business, the more likely you will be to minimize tax obligations.

Question: When is the best time to sell your business?

Answer: The best time to sell your business is determined through a careful consideration of the factors that can and cannot be controlled to maximize the amount of cash you receive. These factors include:

Environmental/External Issues- Beyond our Control

Low interest rates and a low inflation environment with plenty of liquidity and a buoyant economy create an ideal scenario for mergers and acquisitions. Clearly, we have enjoyed this scenario in the United States over the last few years. As a consequence, there has been a flurry of activity in corporate America as well as small business America. Well-run, sound businesses are selling relatively easily for nice multiples. Yet, as we all know, the economy goes in cycles. If the sale of your business is on the immediate horizon, then perhaps consideration should be given to bring the ?sell? decision forward in order to take advantage of these robust conditions.

Internal Issues-Within our Control

A potential buyer is going to pay significantly more for a business that demonstrates a consistent track record of growing revenues and profitability. However, all too often a business is allowed to stagnate or even decline because the owners have taken their foot off the accelerator. Getting ?burned out? and other health issues are probably the most often cited reason for a small business owner wanting to sell. This is understandable, but also often controllable. Recognize the warning signs and take whatever corrective action possible. Again, choosing to sell for a good price while the business is buoyant is far superior to forcing a sale because of health or other issues that have impacted revenues and reduced the business’s value.

Above all, think with the head and not with the heart. A decision to sell can be very difficult for a host of good reasons. Most small businesses don’t have boards of directors holding management accountable. However, sometimes it is prudent to seek outside objective advice from respected confidantes or professionals. These individuals bring a fresh perspective and insight that will assist you in making good strategic decisions for the future of your business.

Question: When a business is sold, what liabilities are the buyer responsible for and which remain the obligation of the seller?

Answer: In general, whether it is as an asset sale or a stock sale, just remember that sellers are obligated to provide ?lien free? assets to the buyer. While all transactions are unique, buyers will typically assume liability for the following: leaseholds related to real estate, unless they are relocating the business; accounts payable (and if they do they will also get the accounts receivable); advertising commitments such as Yellow Page contracts; customer deposits, provided seller relays to buyer a like amount of cash; and any other liabilities that are agreed upon in writing.

Sellers will typically be obligated to pay off out of the sale proceeds the following: lines of credit; installment debt and/or leases related to vehicles, computers, equipment; all obligations to employees up to the date of closing; all tax related matters; and all other debt that has any claim against any of the assets that are being transferred to the buyer.

There is another issue related to liabilities. The seller is obligated to give the buyer strong ?warranties and representations? (guarantees) that there are no undisclosed or unknown liabilities that might create claims against the assets being sold. The California Bulk Sales Law essentially states that a buyer can be held liable for goods transferred to him or her that has not been paid for by the seller. Obviously, all buyers want and are entitled to protection from having to pay for the same goods twice.

In summary, it is essential that both buyer and seller commit to having everything in writing (i.e. no verbal agreements) and that both sides be represented by competent legal advice before signing on the dotted line.